Tldr not sure how to change patches for each mod with out breaking everything. North Kingdom Map Pack is a mod for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II The Rise of the Witch-King, created by Imperatore4. I'm starting over with fresh installs and starting with edain this time to see if I can get AotR to work after this time. So my question is how do get everything working? Don't need multiple installations and multiple app data folders that I have to rename everytime I want to play one patch, mod or the other? There's a tutorial on the AotR site that I followed that didn't work. I could not get it to work on 1.02 when I switched back. Also rotwk stopped working when I tried to switch to 1.01 for Edain.

Not only could I not boot 1.09 (no disk error) when I changed to 1.06 bgmeii would not work AotR wouldn't work. Features of RJ - RotWK 1.06 (A Mod for Battle for Middle Earth: The Rise of the Witch-King) - 10 Factions including Gondor, Rohan, Dwarves, Elves (3 sub-factions), Arnor, Mordor, Isengard, Wild, Men of the East (2 sub-factions), and Angmar.
I was trying to use bfmeii 1.09 and install Edain and I switched patches. Home✿ixes»PC»Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2»Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth 2 - The Rise of the Witch-King v1.0 All Download Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Mi. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II The Rise of the Witch-King - Master Hero Mod v.2.4.2 - Game mod - Download The file Master Hero Mod v.2.4.2 is a modification for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II The Rise of the Witch-King, a(n) strategy game. Has anyone gotten a configuration to work for most updated patches/mods to work? 0 Response to 'Download Bfme 2 Rise Of The Witch King UPDATED' Post a Comment. I had AotR working and I could get online with T3A. Lord of the Rings: TBFME II - Rise of the Witch-king Mods Featured Edain Mod 3.8.1 805 MB 4,384 downloads Featured Battles of the Third Age 1.0 - Power of Isengard (Patch) 29.7 MB 96 downloads Featured The Battle of The Pelennor Fields 149 MB 39 downloads If youre a modder and want to host your files on GameWatcher, please use our file uploader. So the bfme patch switcherbroke my installs somehow for both rotwk and bfmeii.